Monday, February 9, 2009


Morning Glory Stories
On my desks sits a silly little statue of a sleepy eyed little girl rubbing her eyes, underneath are these words: “I think I am allergic to mornings.” That pretty much describes my personal philosophy. I detest getting out of bed every morning. From the time when I was a small child, I have been consistently known for being a royal grump in the morning. To this day I detest noise and early morning conversation. When I was a little girl my father jokingly referred to me as his little “morning glory”, basically because I was anything but a morning glory.
With the passing of the years and the testing and molding of the fire of God that childhood nickname has come to mean something very special to me. Each time I have walked through the flood or gone through the fire, God has been right there with me, guiding me, comforting me and leading me on to the next step of maturity and Christian growth.
It was in the darkest night of my despair and loneliness that God spoke to me through His word. “The wrath of God lasts but the night, but His joy comes in the morning.” It was then that I realized that when the night is darkest, when the fire is at its hottest, when all hope seems lost, it is precisely that moment that the dawn is closest. Morning Glory came to signify that no matter how dark the night the morning always dawns bright and joyful with the Glory of God.
Morning Glory is a message of hope; a message of victory over trials and tribulations, victory over the darkness of ignorance and poverty. Morning Glory is a testimony to the providence and provision of a merciful and graceful God.
I listen to the words of this song as I write these words:
He is Sufficient for me,
Christ my Savior
In my abundance and lack, in my happiness and my pain
He is sufficient for me
He is the same yesterday and today and will always be the same
He is sufficient for me
Christ my Savior
You will find this theme woven into the fabric of each and every one of these stories that I share. He is sufficient for me, in my happiness and in my pain. I pray this be a testimony to you that He also is sufficient for you.
It is my prayer that this book will be a testimony to exactly that. That the stories I share not stand as a testimony to myself but to give glory and honor to our wonderful and merciful God who always permits the morning to dawn in glory and hope.
So I invite you to laugh and cry with me as I share, stories that God has put on my heart, each one a testimony to His provision, mercy and grace. I share my failings, my victories, my battles and how God worked in and through me over the years.

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