Sunday, March 29, 2009


Spring break has become a North American college tradition. Most college students take advantage of the week to ski, go to the beach or just rest and relax at home “eating Cheetos and watching mtv”, as Tim would say. But Dallas Christian College has a different tradition. Students choose different activities or opportunities of service for the good of God’s Kingdom. This year was no exception. In early January, DCC professor, Mark Worley, confirmed that a group of students would be accompanying Professor Scott Spies and himself on a weeklong trip to San Raymundo. He wanted to know if we could find work for them to do. Brainstorming in my office, Tim Jenkins and I talked about different things. There is always manual labor that needs to be done, walls to be painted, etc. However looking at the incredible talent and resources of the young people who would be coming we decided to put their training and education to the best use possible. It was a given that the mornings would be occupied between the two schools, Rainbow Connection and Morning Glory. So we decided to organize and promote our first Leadership Training Seminar for leaders and pastors of the local congregations. We planned a five day activity using the talents and wealth of knowledge of those coming. God in His wisdom arranged for Saul Flores a bilingual DCC student to come along and I hired a friend from Guatemala City to help out with excellent translation. Tim got out his instruments, drums, guitar and keyboard and we borrowed a base and the “Tim Jenkins Worship Explosion” was born with vocal singers Kelly and Kasidy and my cleaning lady Hermogenes, Jon Robertson on guitar and lead singer, awesome Travis Montoya on the drums, Josh Watkins on the keyboard and Tim on the bass. They learned to sing and play several worship songs in Spanish and viola we had a praise band. Scott Spies led several workshops on praise and worship, Mark introduced Christian disciplines and the students helped with the “How to study the Bible” workshops. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for four hours every afternoon they met with and taught local church leaders young and old, challenging and motivating them to get into the Word and study to be able to teach more effectively. On Wednesday afternoon we invited the women’s group from the newly formed Christian Church in Sacsuy along with several moms of Morning Glory students for an afternoon of worship and celebration. Mark Worley brought an excellent message titled, “Born to Fly” and encouraged the women to see themselves as victorious no matter what their circumstance.
On Tuesday night the members of the hospital committee were special guests of honor at a dinner celebration. Once again Prof. Worley brought an excellent motivational message which touched the hearts of everyone present. After the message the “worship explosion” delighted all present with an exhibition of musical talents in a jam session on the instruments ending with an impromptu rap from Ethan.
It was a wonderful week, full of activity, often going late into the night. All too soon it was Friday night and time to say goodbye for all those leaving on an early morning flight for Dallas. Profesor Worley stayed one more week to join up with the group from Carrollton Christian Academy for the next week of Spring Break.
An amazing week for all involved. Lives were touched and changed. Church leaders were challenged to delve into the Word of God, to prepare themselves to teach. We worshiped together, learned together, played together and eternal friendships were formed. Thank you DCC for sharing with us for the second year in a row. What a wonderful motivational week and rightly named, Kingdom Week. Truly the kingdom of God in our little corner of the world was blessed and enriched. Thank you all who made that possible.

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